Registration Notes and Tips
You need to create a new account each year to register for IC. Your access code is in your Registration info packet. Click “Register Today” at the top of this page to get started.
Note for Community Problem Solving Only:
You need to register all CmPS team members, regardless of whether they are attending IC, so that parents/guardians can submit the required publication release forms.
To remove the competition fee for CmPS team members who are not attending, follow these instructions.
- On the Participants tab, register each team member as the participant type “competitor”
- For the Division (Dropdown?) select “CmPS Non-Competing Team Member”
- On the Competitions tab, select “Community Problem Solving Team” separately for each non-attending team member.
- On the Room Assignments tab, select “CmPS Member Not Attending” as your room assignment to ensure you are not charged for housing fees